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OWASP Top 10 2021 - Cryptographic Failures (Challenge) writeup 본문


OWASP Top 10 2021 - Cryptographic Failures (Challenge) writeup

수호-_- 2023. 11. 9. 00:21

The provided page 'Sense and Sensitivity!' are as follows:

It shows up simple welcome page, seems like there is no interesting information here.


There's one login page in /login.php

Inside the source code of /login.php, there is one interesting comment indicating that database is being stored in /assets.



boom! webapp.db can be located here,

webapp.db is a SQLite database file, by using SQLite I can reveal the information


there are two tables: "sessions, and users"

It is way too obvious that users table is the table which stores user credentials. Now I will indicate the table:

There are two admin users, admin and Bob. We got the username and password. However, the password is hashed. I need to crack it to get plaintext.

rainbow table can be used to easily crack known hashes.

As a result, the username and password of admin is "admin", "qwertyuiop"



Flag achieved!